Over the past decade, there has been a massive increase in the publicity of cases against various police officers and/or the state involving police corruption, brutality or other violations of citizen’s civil rights. While there has not necessarily been an increase in the prevalence of such events, recent technological advances have made it easier to capture and record these events when they do happen. When a case goes to court, video evidence captured on a smartphone or police body cam is very convincing and can prove without a reasonable doubt one party’s innocence or guilt.Recently, the Trentonian Newspaper was able to obtain footage which showed police officers mocking a gunshot victim and colluding on how to use excessive force without being caught. In an effort to reveal further civil rights abuses by police, the Trentonian Newspaper recently obtained court papers regarding police body cam footage relating to the arrest of Tyrawn Carter. Currently, the matter is being investigated by internal review, but court papers suggest that several officers may have colluded to fabricate evidence against Tyrawn Carter for aggravated assault. As the shocking footage continues, one officer admits to being under the influence of alcohol while on duty and demands that the body cam be turned off. The Trenton Police have refused to comment at this time, and the city refuses to release the tape until a complete investigation is conducted.If you have recently been falsely arrested for a crime or feel your civil rights have been violated by the police or state, then you need a criminal defense attorney that will help you pursue justice. Our lawyers at Davis Law Firm have over twenty years combined of experience representing our clients in New Jersey courts. To contact one of our dedicated attorneys, give our office a call at 609-587-9100 or fill out our convenient online contact form.The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.