Charges of carjacking, attempted murder, aggravated assault and weapons charges were all made against a Trenton resident who was arrested after an unsuccessful carjacking attempt did not go as planned. The event started to unfold in the 2300 block of South Broad Street after 9 p.m. when the suspect forced his way into the rear passengers' seat of a woman’s vehicle and instantly demanded that she give him the car. The 53-year-old victim told police that she immediately parked the vehicle before running to telephone her husband for help after learning that her attacker was carrying a sawed-off shotgun. The suspect then immediately fired at her 49-year-old husband when he first arrived at the scene officials said, and while the couple told the police that they heard an additional gunshot as they fled the scene luckily neither one of them were hit by any of the gunfire. Two other victims were not so lucky, however, as police learned later on when they caught up with the suspect as they found him fighting with another male at the 200 block of Lafayette Avenue. The other person, who is a 67-year-old male, was found to have suffered a gunshot injury to his arm in the argument. Officials say that the police saw the suspect holding a sawed-off shotgun during the time he was involved in the altercation with the other man but he then fled the scene once he noticed the police in the area. He did not escape the officers long, however, as they were able to apprehend him by the corner of Lily and Genesee Streets as well as locate the weapon used in the crime in an alley by Harrison and Lafayette Avenues.Unfortunately, the fallout of the incident was not yet completed as another person who suffered gunshot wounds was a 25-year-old Trenton resident that was admitted to the hospital well after the scene occurred with gunshot injuries to his arms and chest. It is believed he was wounded in the second blast of the shotgun in the initial incident and the extents of his injuries are unknown at this time. Making the wrong decisions can land you in a lot of trouble, but when it comes to choosing a qualified criminal defense attorney to fight for your rights, the right decision could be the difference between jail time and freedom. If you or someone you love has been accused of carjacking, attempted murder, aggravated assault, weapons charges or any other criminal activity in the Trenton, NJ area, you should contact the office of the Davis Firm today to schedule a consultation. The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.