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Mercer County Sexual Assault Lawyer

Battle-Tested Criminal Defense Attorney Represents Clients in Sexual Assault Cases in Mercer County and Throughout New Jersey

Sexual assault charges are some of the most serious allegations that can be made against an individual, not only in terms of the harsh punishment that those convicted of sexual assault will face but because of the stigma that will follow the convicted party for the rest of his or her life. “Megan’s law” registration requirements that apply to those convicted of sexual assault in Mercer County are strict and easily accessible, meaning that they can show up in any routine background check conducted by a potential employer, educational institution, prospective landlord or even your significant other. In other cases, you might be facing lifetime parole obligations that can interfere with your freedom of movement and use of the internet, in addition to other restrictions that may apply.

At the Davis Law Firm, LLC, our experienced criminal defense attorneys take allegations of sexual assault extremely seriously, and will go to battle to negotiate reduced or dropped charges in your case. We represent clients throughout New Jersey, as well as in Eastern Pennsylvania.

Degrees of Sexual Assault Allegations in New Jersey

Sexual assault is the formal legal term for rape in the state of New Jersey. The punishment for conviction of a sexual assault crime will be severe in every case, but the degree of severity depends upon the degree of crime charged. In New Jersey, sexual assault cases are grouped according to level of severity, and conviction can result in significant prison time, as well as monetary fines and registration requirements.

First degree offenses. First degree offenses are the most serious sexual assault charges, also known as aggravated sexual assault. First degree aggravated sexual assault is punishable by ten to 20 years in prison, monetary fines of up to $250,000, registration requirements and lifetime parole supervision. Aggravated sexual assault can be charged if one of the following are alleged:

  • Even if the sexual contact was consensual, an individual can be convicted of first degree aggravated sexual assault if the victim was under 13 years of age, or if the victim was between 13 and 16 years of age, but the accused was related to the victim, was a parent or guardian, or had certain other forms of supervisory or disciplinary authority over the victim.
  • A weapon was involved in the alleged sexual assault, regardless of whether the alleged assailant actually used the weapon,
  • The alleged sexual assault occurred during the commission of another serious crime, such as robbery, burglary, kidnapping, homicide or arson,
  • The accused used physical force to sexually assault the alleged victim, and caused severe injury, or
  • The alleged victim had a physical or mental incapacity.

Second-degree offenses. Sexual assault is a second-degree offense punishable by five to ten years in prison and monetary fines of up to $150,000, in addition to parole and registration requirements. Sexual assault can be charged if one of the following are alleged:

  • The sexual contact was consensual, but the alleged victim was between 13 and 16 years old, and the accused was at least four years older,
  • Non-consensual sexual penetration occurred, but the alleged victim was not severely injured.

Lesser degrees of sexual offenses do exist, and should not be taken any less seriously than first and second degree sexual assault.

All Sexual Assault Allegations Must Be Taken Seriously. You Need an Aggressive Criminal Defense Lawyer in Your Corner

Megan’s Law registration requirements will require registration with both national and state-level sex offender databases, which means that the convicted individual must share his or her address, photo and other personal information—and will be required to continue to update that information even if he or she moves.

At the Davis Law Firm, LLC, we understand the aggressive approach that must be taken if you have been accused of sexual assault in the state of New Jersey. A conviction for sexual assault is not something that you can put behind you once you have completed your punishment—in other words, certain aspects of the punishment will last forever.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation With a Seasoned Sexual Assault Lawyer to Discuss Your Case Today

If you have been accused of sexual assault, your future, freedom, and reputation are all at risk, so you need the highest quality legal representation to help with your case. It is important to make these accusations your highest priority, so contact our seasoned team of criminal defense attorneys as soon as possible to discuss your case. You can call our offices, or fill out this secure online form, to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced Mercer County criminal defense attorneys today. Our offices are conveniently located at 2653 Nottingham Way, Hamilton, NJ 08619.

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