Many people have the impression that alimony is awarded in every New Jersey divorce. That is actually not true — there is no guarantee of alimony/spousal support. In fact, the situation is complicated by the fact that there are no real guidelines for when alimony should be part of a divorce settlement and how much the payments should be. Instead, these determinations are made by the judge on a case-by-case basis.
In this gray area of law, it is important to make sure you are represented by an experienced attorney. The Trenton spousal support lawyers of the Davis Law Firm, LLC, have years of experience handling divorce, alimony and all related issues. We represent parties seeking spousal support as well as those who may be obligated to pay. In either situation, we advocate strongly for an arrangement that benefits our client.
To arrange a consultation with a New Jersey alimony lawyer, call 609-587-9100 or contact our Hamilton law office online. We will respond promptly, usually within one business day.
How Is Spousal Support Determined and How Long Does It Last?
Because there are no guidelines for calculating alimony and how long payments should last, judges consider a number of factors. Each couple is different, and even couples whose economic positions are relatively equal may not come away with the same alimony arrangement. Some of the factors to consider are:
- The length of the marriage
- The age and health of each spouse
- The financial need of the receiving spouse and the paying spouse’s ability to pay
- The earning capacity, education and employability of both spouses
Spousal support can be awarded on a temporary or permanent basis. Temporary means for a given length of time, such as one year. Permanent, however, does not necessarily mean forever. Permanent alimony payments end if the receiving spouse starts living with someone else who provides support or if the receiving spouse gets remarried, for example.
Our job as New Jersey alimony lawyers is to determine the best approach to your case, considering all the unique needs of your family. Perhaps alimony is not needed in your situation because of the terms of your property division settlement, for example. We will take the time to explain the possibilities and how we can go about meeting your needs.
Contact a Trenton Alimony Lawyer
To learn more about the Davis Law Firm’s approach to spousal support, please call 609-587-9100. You can also contact our Hamilton law office online.